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From within this window all time-dependent animation-parameters
(called "Envelopes") are created and modified.

An Envelope is a twodimensional curve wich can be specified
both graphically and using constant numerical expressions
which are evaluated at runtime.
The x-coordinate of these twodimensional curves represents
the frame-number (e.g. the time), the value of the animation-parameter
is reperesented by the y-coordinate, respectively.
(Numerical expressions are specified from within the  Variables-Window .)

If the framber-number of the Processor exceeds the range of an
Envelope the first or last y-Value is used. This means if your Envelope
only contains one point the y-value of this point is used for
all frame-numbers.

Most operations are made using the mouse. A point is selected
by clicking on it. Moving the mouse while holding the left
button causes the selected point to be dragged.
The whole graph can be scrolled using the cursor-keys.


XRange            the displayed x-range
YRange            the displayed y-range
X                 the x-value (frame-number) of the selected point
Y                 the y-value of the selected point
Add Point         add a point
Kill Point        kill a point
Type              change the type of the Envelope:
                   Linear: connect two points by straight lines
                   Spline: use a cubic spline interpolation to connect points
                   Bezier: surround points by bezier-curves
View All          view the whole Envelope
File              filename to save/load Envelopes
Load              load a previously saved Envelope
Save              save the current Envelope to disk
Use               make all performed changes permanent
Cancel            discard all applied changes
Advanced Options  open the  EnvelopeAdvanced-Window  to perform
                  more complex operations

Additional ShortCuts:

<t>               sort all points (of envelopes which where imported
                                   from old Process-files)